Tennessee Higher Education IT Symposium

2005 – The Power of Separating Data, Business Logic and Presentation in Web Application Design

For many years, web design was static. Then came dynamic pages with external data embedded in pages. But, maintenance was a nightmare–the business logic related to the displayed data was treated like it was a mainframe application–it was monolithic–logic & presentation were intertwined with each other. Now we can look to the future with a new paradigm: Separate the Data being handled from the Logic of implementing it AND from the Presentation of the output to, or input from, the user. All this can be achieved on the web with application tools such as PHP using the power of XML and XSL as will be demonstrated with a couple applications in use at UTC.

Powerpoint available of presentation: The Power of Separating Data, Business Logic and Presentation in Web Application Design

2006 – Multiple Source Your Search Engine Using XML

S5 presentation available: Multiple Source Your Search Engine Using XML